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    Hey friends – I’m Floris and I made a list of 40 things I’m going to do in my 40s

    On this website I’m documenting the experiences and memories I make, having as much fun as I can with those 40 projects.

    Come along for the ride, have a laugh, and get inspired!

    Yolo hand sign

    What I’ve Set Out To Do

    Travel One Year As A Family

    Record An Album

    Get A Tattoo

    Write A Cookbook

    Start A Family Charitable Foundation

    One Month In A Buddhist Monastery

    Learn to Surf

    Remarry My Wife

    Make Art

    Visit 20 New Countries

    Cross the Atlantic On A Sailing Boat

    Write A Childrens Book

    Get Healthier to 50 Than to 40

    Learn to Play the Piano

    Play In A World Series of Poker Event in Las Vegas

    Make A Documentary

    Go On A Road Trip

    Live In Asia

    Raise $1,000,000 For Charity

    Go Vegan For One Year

    Subscribe to my newsletter for YOLO DUDE updates and stories
