What I’ve Set Out To Do

Travel One Year As A Family

Record An Album

Get A Tattoo

Write A Cookbook

Start A Family Charitable Foundation

One Month In A Buddhist Monastery

Learn to Surf

Remarry My Wife

Make Art

Visit 20 New Countries

Cross the Atlantic On A Sailing Boat

Write A Childrens Book

Get Healthier to 50 Than to 40

Learn to Play the Piano

Play In A World Series of Poker Event in Las Vegas

Make A Documentary

Go On A Road Trip

Live In Asia

Raise $1,000,000 For Charity

Go Vegan For One Year

Read One Book A Month

Create A Course

Buy An Oceanview Home

Go On A Camping Trip

Write A YOLO DUDE Book

Launch An Apparel Brand

Learn Electronic Music Production

Write A TV Show Script

Create A Collectible Cards Game

Run A Marathon

Pilot An Airplane

Write A Short Stories Book

Learn To Brew Beer

Launch An eSports Team

Make A Habit Of Cold Therapy

Max’s Choice

Lucas’ Choice

Launch A Podcast

